Y Faciwîs Rhyfel
Rhaid bod y plant a gafodd eu hanfon yn faciwîs i Randir-mwyn yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd wedi gweld gwahaniaeth enfawr o ran diwylliant. Mae’r cyfeiriad cyntaf atynt yn llyfr lóg yr ysgol fel a ganlyn:
‘1940 14th May: Schools were ordered to re-open this morning by wireless announcement, owing to the possibility of evacuees arriving. Germany has invaded Holland and Belgium’.
Roedd y plant a ddaeth i Randir-mwyn wedi cael eu symud o Ysgol Woodmansterne Road, Streatham, Llundain; ac o Abertawe. I ddechrau, roedd y naill ysgol a’r llall (Rhandir-mwyn ac Woodmansterne Road) yn cael eu rhedeg ar wahân yn adeilad Ysgol Rhandir-mwyn. Roedd yr ysgol leol yn cael ei chynnal yn yr ystafell fwyaf ar gyfer y plant hŷn ac roedd y faciwîs yn ystafell ddosbarth y plant iau. Mae’n rhaid bod hyn wedi peri cryn anhawster oherwydd dim ond cyrten oedd yn rhannu’r ddau ddosbarth. Ym mis Tachwedd 1941, fodd bynnag, symudwyd y faciwîs i’r festri yng Nghapel Salem ac yno buont tan ddiwedd y rhyfel. Ychydig iawn o sylw sy’n cael ei roi i'r faciwîs yn llyfr lóg Ysgol Rhandir-mwyn, sy’n gwneud i ni gredu bod prifathro Ysgol Woodmansterne yn cadw cofnodion ar wahân.
Y prifathro oedd Mr Herbert Percy Connelly. Fe’i ganed yn ne Llundain yn 1880. Roedd yn brifathro Ysgol Gymysg Hŷn Woodmansterne Road o 1931 ac roedd i fod i ymddeol yn 1939, ond parhaodd yn ei swydd oherwydd y rhyfel. Cafodd y disgyblion eu hanfon i Eastbourne i ddechrau, ac yna i Randir-mwyn lle buon nhw tan ddiwedd y rhyfel. Ymddeolodd Mr Connelly yn 1946 a symudodd i fyw i Falmouth yng Nghernyw. Bu farw yn 1970.
Os ydych chi’n adnabod rhai o’r plant yn y lluniau neu os oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth am unrhyw rai ohonyn nhw, byddwch cystal â chysylltu â ni yn [email protected]
Rydym yn ddiolchgar i Christine Lane, wyres Mr Connelly, am yr wybodaeth a'r lluniau.
Detholiadau o Lyfr lóg Ysgol Rhandir-mwyn - Extracts from Rhandirmwyn School Log
1940 14th May Schools were ordered to re-open this morning by wireless announcement, owing to possibility of evacuees arriving. Germany has invaded Holland and Belgium.
1940 Sept. Upon receipt of instructions from the Education offices, as an A.R.P. measure the partition has had to be folded back and curtains put up in between the evacuated school and ours.
1940 4th October Window pane in Infants’ room now used by evacuees broken during morning play by Eva (possibly Ena) House an evacuee accidentally, whilst she was playing net ball.
1940 10th October I put in a new pane of glass in the window broken on 4th October. Cost 9d for glass and 1d for putty.
1940 5th December Reception – Concert will be held at the school this evening to welcome home on leave A. C. W H House RAF the father of an evacuated girl now resident here for the duration of the war.
1941 10th January Another Tea – party is being held this afternoon, commencing at 4 P.M. This tea is provided to all London evacuees by the London County Council. Through the kindness of Mr H.P. Connelly. The Headmaster of Woodmansterne Road School, Streatham, the local school pupils, staff and management have been invited. Games will be played after tea until about 9 P.M.
1941 5th March School used for concert organised by the W.V.S. in aid of the ‘Air Raid Victims Fund’
1941 12th May Admitted Rosalind Evans, Norma Perriam and Brian Perriam today. The two last named are on our register but are receiving instruction with the evacuated school.
1941 4th Sept. Brian and Norma Perriam two unofficial evacuees from Cardiff on our register but taught in the evacuated school have left the district.
1941 3rd Nov. The L.C.C. evacuated school have been transferred to Salem Vestry and the Swansea evacuees (9) have been merged with our local children. This means that our Infants and Stds I and II now have a separate room. The furniture we lent the L.C.C. group can also be used by our own pupils.
Miss James B.A. the Swansea evacuated teacher is to have charge of our infants and Juniors (Stds I and II).
1944 13th July 28 London evacuees have now come to the district and are billeted locally. They are to go to other school – evacuated unit at Salem vestry. These are victims of the, ‘pilotless plane’ now used by the enemy in southern England.
1945 9th June Tea for all held at the schoolroom from 3 – 6 pm followed by athletic sports on Pwllpriddog Fields. An enjoyable time was spent especially by the children, local and evacuated.
Hon oedd y cofnod diwethaf yn log yr ysgol ynglŷn a’r plant noddedig.
‘1940 14th May: Schools were ordered to re-open this morning by wireless announcement, owing to the possibility of evacuees arriving. Germany has invaded Holland and Belgium’.
Roedd y plant a ddaeth i Randir-mwyn wedi cael eu symud o Ysgol Woodmansterne Road, Streatham, Llundain; ac o Abertawe. I ddechrau, roedd y naill ysgol a’r llall (Rhandir-mwyn ac Woodmansterne Road) yn cael eu rhedeg ar wahân yn adeilad Ysgol Rhandir-mwyn. Roedd yr ysgol leol yn cael ei chynnal yn yr ystafell fwyaf ar gyfer y plant hŷn ac roedd y faciwîs yn ystafell ddosbarth y plant iau. Mae’n rhaid bod hyn wedi peri cryn anhawster oherwydd dim ond cyrten oedd yn rhannu’r ddau ddosbarth. Ym mis Tachwedd 1941, fodd bynnag, symudwyd y faciwîs i’r festri yng Nghapel Salem ac yno buont tan ddiwedd y rhyfel. Ychydig iawn o sylw sy’n cael ei roi i'r faciwîs yn llyfr lóg Ysgol Rhandir-mwyn, sy’n gwneud i ni gredu bod prifathro Ysgol Woodmansterne yn cadw cofnodion ar wahân.
Y prifathro oedd Mr Herbert Percy Connelly. Fe’i ganed yn ne Llundain yn 1880. Roedd yn brifathro Ysgol Gymysg Hŷn Woodmansterne Road o 1931 ac roedd i fod i ymddeol yn 1939, ond parhaodd yn ei swydd oherwydd y rhyfel. Cafodd y disgyblion eu hanfon i Eastbourne i ddechrau, ac yna i Randir-mwyn lle buon nhw tan ddiwedd y rhyfel. Ymddeolodd Mr Connelly yn 1946 a symudodd i fyw i Falmouth yng Nghernyw. Bu farw yn 1970.
Os ydych chi’n adnabod rhai o’r plant yn y lluniau neu os oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth am unrhyw rai ohonyn nhw, byddwch cystal â chysylltu â ni yn [email protected]
Rydym yn ddiolchgar i Christine Lane, wyres Mr Connelly, am yr wybodaeth a'r lluniau.
Detholiadau o Lyfr lóg Ysgol Rhandir-mwyn - Extracts from Rhandirmwyn School Log
1940 14th May Schools were ordered to re-open this morning by wireless announcement, owing to possibility of evacuees arriving. Germany has invaded Holland and Belgium.
1940 Sept. Upon receipt of instructions from the Education offices, as an A.R.P. measure the partition has had to be folded back and curtains put up in between the evacuated school and ours.
1940 4th October Window pane in Infants’ room now used by evacuees broken during morning play by Eva (possibly Ena) House an evacuee accidentally, whilst she was playing net ball.
1940 10th October I put in a new pane of glass in the window broken on 4th October. Cost 9d for glass and 1d for putty.
1940 5th December Reception – Concert will be held at the school this evening to welcome home on leave A. C. W H House RAF the father of an evacuated girl now resident here for the duration of the war.
1941 10th January Another Tea – party is being held this afternoon, commencing at 4 P.M. This tea is provided to all London evacuees by the London County Council. Through the kindness of Mr H.P. Connelly. The Headmaster of Woodmansterne Road School, Streatham, the local school pupils, staff and management have been invited. Games will be played after tea until about 9 P.M.
1941 5th March School used for concert organised by the W.V.S. in aid of the ‘Air Raid Victims Fund’
1941 12th May Admitted Rosalind Evans, Norma Perriam and Brian Perriam today. The two last named are on our register but are receiving instruction with the evacuated school.
1941 4th Sept. Brian and Norma Perriam two unofficial evacuees from Cardiff on our register but taught in the evacuated school have left the district.
1941 3rd Nov. The L.C.C. evacuated school have been transferred to Salem Vestry and the Swansea evacuees (9) have been merged with our local children. This means that our Infants and Stds I and II now have a separate room. The furniture we lent the L.C.C. group can also be used by our own pupils.
Miss James B.A. the Swansea evacuated teacher is to have charge of our infants and Juniors (Stds I and II).
1944 13th July 28 London evacuees have now come to the district and are billeted locally. They are to go to other school – evacuated unit at Salem vestry. These are victims of the, ‘pilotless plane’ now used by the enemy in southern England.
1945 9th June Tea for all held at the schoolroom from 3 – 6 pm followed by athletic sports on Pwllpriddog Fields. An enjoyable time was spent especially by the children, local and evacuated.
Hon oedd y cofnod diwethaf yn log yr ysgol ynglŷn a’r plant noddedig.